You Deserve a Life and Career That Rocks. Start Here!

This is Where Change Becomes Your Superpower!

AQPlus 30-Day Growth Mindset Challenge is a world-class, finely-tuned microlearning and coaching experience designed to help you get unstuck and develop the adaptable growth mindset required for today's ever-changing world! Over the next 30 days, you're going to experience an online coaching program created by one of the top ranked Future of Work Global Thought Leaders, according to Thinkers360. 

BUT HERE'S A WARNING: Growth doesn't come easy and it's not automatic. Unlike other courses you might have completed, "passing" isn't good enough. A growth mindset takes a lifetime of practice and What you get out of this experience will be directly proportional to the effort you put in! 

Get access to the entire program for a one time fee of $59

Take Action Today. Stop Coping, Start Thriving Now.

Lessons in AQPlus Mindset:

  1. 1 Day 1: Your Guided Journal

  2. 2 Day 2: Why Growth Mindset is Essential

    Objective: An introduction to AQ Growth Mindset

  3. 3 Day 3: Going Deeper, Insights from the "Mother of Growth Mindset"

    Objective: Watch the leading expert on growth mindset introduce growth mindset.

  4. 4 Day 4: Growth Mindset: Why It Matters

  5. 5 Day 5: 3 Misconception about Growth Mindsets

  6. 6 Day 6: Addicted to Certainty [Podcast]

  7. 7 Day 7: 5 Growth Mindset Myths

  8. 8 Day 8: Week One Recap, A Helpful Chart

  9. 9 Day 9 - Guided Journal, Fixed Mindset

  10. 10 Day 10: 15 Ways to Build a Growth Mindset

  11. 11 Day 11: Your Guided Journal

  12. 12 Day 12: The Yeti Challenge Overview

  13. 13 Day 13: The Yeti Challenge Details

  14. 14 Day 14: The Yeti Challenge #1 - Question 1

  15. 15 Day 15: The Yeti Challenge #1 - Question 2

  16. 16 Day 16: The Yeti Challenge #1 - Question 3

  17. 17 Day 17: The Yeti Challenge #1 - How did it go?

  18. 18 Yeti Challenge #1 - Congratulations!

  19. 19 Day 20: The Yeti Challenge #2 - How did it go?

  20. 20 Yeti Challenge #2 - Congratulations!

  21. 21 Day 22: The Yeti Challenge #3 - Could this be the greatest Yeti of them all?

  22. 22 Day 23: The Yeti Challenge #3 - Question #2

  23. 23 The Yeti Challenge #3 - Question 3

  24. 24 Day 24: The Yeti Challenge #3 - How did it go?

  25. 25 Yeti Challenge #3 - Congratulations!

  26. 26 Day 25: Your Guided Journal

  27. 27 Day 26: Your Mindset's Impact On Others

  28. 28 Day 27: Your Guided Journal

  29. 29 Day 28: Additional Growth Mindset Resources

  30. 30 Day 29: Habit Selector

  31. 31 Day 30: AQplus Mindset Review

About Ira S Wolfe

Ira S Wolfe, the "Millennial trapped in a Baby Boomer body," is one of the top 5 global thought leaders on the future of work, leadership, and HR. He is the president and Chief Googlization Officer of Poised for the Future Company, senior consultant with Dame Leadership, and host of the top-rated Geeks Geezers Googlization podcast. Ira is a TEDx Speaker and 2022 inductee into the HRSouthwest Conference Speaker Hall of Fame. His most recent book is The Change 19: Insights into Self-Empowerment, part of the fastest growing personal development series in the world. He’s also co-author of Create Great Culture in a Remote World, The Change 19: Insights into Self-Empowerment, and author of Recruiting in the Age of Googlization, a book consistently nominated to best recruiting and HR book lists. He is a frequent contributor to Forbes and Medium and has been featured in Wall Street Journal, INC Magazine, Fast Company, and dozens more.